You know who you are
You believe in conviction
You are a fighter
You are a reflection of social change
You live for meaning
You are a spiritual warrior
Out of blue
The Universe sends you a lucky cookie
Someone with big heart
Return your goodwill
It's a show of appreciation
It's a trust in you
Believing it that
who you are
is so much more than
what you do
That is a gentle yes
If you are putting behind
the basic survival
for why you are doing
what you do
In yoga practice
The teacher talked about the differences
of who we are and what we do for profession
and what are the worries and fears
Despite of all the differences
That is one similarity
Why we are here
Basically to love ourselves
This is the moment
We care so much about ourselves
To be different
It needs courage
May this practice
show you the way
what works and what not
You are your own spiritual warrior
Let this be the special moment
For yourselves
Let go of your problems and worries
Put them temporary aside
Fully commit to be free
from any emotional disturbances
And be still and feel
You will know best
what works what not
You know the answers all along
Why are you keep on asking
some disempowering question
to attract the problems to come back
What is it that you are not listening
What is it that you are not seeing
What is it that you are not feeling
What is it that you are doing more for less
To be different
It needs courage
You know
What works what not
Let the spiritual warrior within you
Show you the way
You know who you are
You are tough
You are strong
For one little moment
Just let go of who you are
Total surrender
You may be surprise of
what you could possibly be
To be different
It needs courage
Courage to let go
Courage to say no
Courage to be true to yourself
Courage to be find your own path
Courage to be your spiritual warrior
Courage to be who you are
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