Blue Inspiration In The Now

Blue Inspiration In The Now

20 April 2012

Going Astray

Going Astray

'To know something
One has to lose it.'

Everyone goes astray
from their inner world
The inner space
And then by and by
One feels starved
Hungry for it
An appetite arises
A thirst is felt
The call comes from
the innermost self
To come back home
And one starts traveling
That is what being a seeker is
It is going to the warm inner space
that you left one day
You will not be gaining something new
You will be gaining something
that was always there
But it will be a gain
Because now for the first time
You will see what it is
The last time you were in that space
You were oblivious to it
Where your attention span
Followed your intention

Every time I leave home
I was crying on the way to say goodbye
In the bus journey
My tears were pouring out
With family sending me at the airport saying goodbye
My tears were controllable pouring inwards
That family love is always strong
Something that I truly value
Every time we come together
To share the color of life
How we dance with it
How we move with it
How we have grown from strength to strength
Sometimes we lose
Sometimes we win
The color of life

Love came
Love lost
Love hurt
Love is not easy
When you totally let go
And no intention of controlling it
Love comes back
It's always there
But the inner space for love healing
Just needs its own time and space
Nothing to rush
It may be a bitter sweet in its own way
Nonetheless love changed
The sensation and texture of love
What might be the best option now
Has changed

It was there
It is still deep here
The fire within
Changes form and intensity
With time and space

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