Blue Inspiration In The Now

Blue Inspiration In The Now

12 February 2012

Listen to Your Inner Voice

Listen to Your Inner Voice

Inner Voice
You are the quiet guide within
How can we not trusting
So much confusion
So much darkness
So much mistake
So much pain
So much hurt
Comes from not listening
Comes from not trusting
Comes from not paying attention

Inner voice
You are the guide within
How can we not trusting
So much obstacles
So much hurdles
So much bumpy road
So much stress
So much worries
Comes from not listening
Comes from not trusting
Comes from accepting others before you

Inner voice
I promise to make time for you
I promise to listen to you before others
I promise to trust you
I promise to free my mind
Just to make space for you
To free my soul

Inner voice
You are the guide within
How can we not trusting
So much rage
So much anger
So much resentment
So much frustration
So much fear
Comes from not listening
Comes from not trusting
Comes from not being true to you

Inner Voice
Show me
Guide me
Whisper me
Your truth
My heart is open
My mind is free
You are my authority
I trust you

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