Blue Inspiration In The Now

Blue Inspiration In The Now

22 August 2011

Where Great Minds Meet

Where great minds meet the great minds
It's an inspired networking
Higher truth states that -
"Where two or more are gathered together
 there I will be."
It's so true
Like minds create energy
There is a mysterious connection

Where great minds meet the great minds
It's a divine spirit
It's important for the souls
who choose to work
for the empowerment of mankind
So that each and everyone of us
would be able to follow the inner wisdom
and inner bond to spirit
without needing an external authority
for setting any course or so

Where great minds meet the great minds
It's an inspired vision
Know Me
Like Me
Follow Me
They recognize their peers and equal partners
And know each other when they meet
and standing on the shoulders of each other
It's a divine mind experience through
inner intuition
All that is in the flow

Where great minds meet the great minds
It's linked through common purpose
It's a path of discovery
It's a path of being part of something big
Open attitude
Giving energy
Willingness to 
Learn or
Go where the energy is uplifted
It's an absolute best result indicator

Where great minds meet great minds
You will accomplish big and more
It's inspired networking
It's inspired energy
Stay tuned where the next step will bring you

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